Adoption Process

What Happens Once You Decide You Would Like To Adopt From Us?


So you have discussed the idea of rescuing a dog with the members of the household – what happens next? We try to make the adoption process as easy as possible but please remember there are laws and standards that we need to maintain to keep our charity and rescue status. All adoptions will need to undergo the same process:

Adoption Application Form

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    1. Our rescue operates a little differently than other Rescues. To minimise our volunteers time spent on people looking for the “cutest or smallest” dog we keep a waiting list of families looking to adopt a chihuahua or chihuahua cross. We keep note of what the family is looking for, their current situation and other factors and as the dogs come into care, we first go through our list to see if there is a suitable family waiting. If we cannot find a home on our waiting list we will advertise on which is also where our non chihuahuas will be available. If we still haven’t found a suitable forever home we will advertise on
    2. If we do advertise and you believe the dog would be a good fit to your household, you will need to fill out an Adoption Application Formand return it to us via email to or via post to PO Box 342 Willeton WA 6955
    3. Once references are checked and the form processed we will advise you if any suitable dogs are in care. If we have a possible match one of our representatives will come to your home and do a fence check and have a chat. We cannot give an estimation of when as it is totally dependant on a dog that suits you coming into care. This is purely to assess the safety and security of the dog. We may, at this point, make suggestrions on how fences or other safety hazards can be modified to assure the dogs welfare. In this case a second inspection may be required.
    4. With all the paperwork and checks done you can now meet your prospective new family member. At this point you need to deposit the adoption fee plus admin fee and sign a microchip transfer form into our bank account and if the meet goes well, the dog will go home with you and begin the 2 week trial. During this period we will be able to assist you in any way we can to settle your new friend, but if things do not go as planned, you are able to return the dog to us, just as we are able to request the return of the dog. If the dog is returned during this trial period, you will receive a full refund or alternatively have a meet with another suitable dog.
    5. Once the trial period of 2 weeks is over and if all parties are happy we make the adoption official. We will lodge the pre-signed microchip transfer and mail any relevant paperwork out for your new family member ready to register with your local council. All of our dogs receive a mandatory sterilization, vaccinations and microchip and all certificates and paperwork involved with these processes will also be provided to you for use in registering the dog with your local council.
    6. Part of the adoption agreement is that any dog that has come from Perth Chihuahua Rescue Inc will need to be returned to us if at any stage you can no longer care for the dog.

    If you need any further assistance with the dog please do not hesitate to contact us and we will endeavour to assist you in any way we can. The health and well being of the dogs we rescue will always remain a priority to us. We look forward to seeing you with your dog and any of our social events in the future.

    Adoption Application Form


    (NOTE**admin Fee of $25 Per Dog)

    Adult dogs
    Chihuahua with red circle
    Puppies (up to 18 months)
    Small chihuahua sleep
    Two yellow small chihuahua

    Adopt Through Other Rescues


    Have you checked these rescues as they very often have Chihuahuas and Chihuahua Cross dogs available for adoption.

    Good luck and we hope you find the perfect companion very soon. 🙂

    Adoption Application Form